To have your current license transferred to another user, please complete the lower portion of this form and sign and date the duplicate license affidavit. Please FAX a copy of the completed document to Bluestone Support Services Division at (609)-234-2877 and forward the original to Bluestone, 1000 Briggs Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 attn.: Licensing.
I/We wish to transfer the SAPPHIRE/WEB license,
Serial Number: _______________________________________
Currently registered to: NAME: ____________________________________________
To: NAME: ________________________________________
I /we understand that the above licensed copy of SAPPHIRE/WEB
Serial Number: _______________________________________
has been licensed for one user, and that continued use by anyone other than the named user constitutes a breach of the terms of this license.
Signed: __________________________________________ Date: / /
Name: _________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________
Company: _________________________
If you have any questions, please contact Bluestone's Licensing Specialists at (609)-778-7900.
You can also find a licence agreement form on-line at